10 Best Bicep Exercises to get attractive muscles

We all want big biceps. they appear great in well-fitted t-shirt, look even better out of them, and help compliment a well-defined torso.

Yes, some people will say exercising your biceps is stupid. But some days we just long for the pump. and there is no shame therein .And does one want to understand the simplest bit? Building bigger biceps doesn't need to be difficult. It's just that you're probably doing it wrong. You see, there's more to bicep exercises than the dumbbell curl. Yes, we couldn't believe it initially , either. In fact, there are a lot of bicep exercises, quite enough to form all of your training sessions unique, and we're getting to show you the foremost effective ones.

10 of the Best Bicep Exercise For Building Muscle

1. Standing Dumbbell Curl

Why: We can’t start any bicep exercise list without including this classic; it’s a lover favourite for a reason. Nothing targets your biceps quite the curl. But it’s important to manage your weights accordingly. Wildly swinging and arching your back so as to lift the dumbbell may be a waste of your time , and will cause injury. Keep is slow, keep it controlled and specialise in squeezing your bicep as you lift.

  • Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand together with your arms hanging by your sides.
  • Ensure your elbows are on the brink of your torso and your palms facing forward.
  • Keeping your arms stationary, exhale as your curl the weights up to shoulder level while contracting your biceps.

2. Hammer Curl

Why: The difference is within the detail, specifically the way you hold the dumbbell. By flipping the dumbbell on its side helps transfer more of the work from your musculus biceps brachii to your brachialis – that’s the muscle that creates your arms look thicker.
Progress: Cable Rope Hammer Curl
Why: The cable machine keeps a more steady and constant load on the biceps for extended which can elicit more growth.


-Let a pair of dumbbells hang at arm’s length next to your sides together with your palms facing your thighs.

-Don’t move your arms. Instead, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as on the brink of your shoulders as possible.

-Pause at the highest – remember to squeeze – before slowly lowering the load back to the starting position.

3. Incline Dumbbell Curl

Why: Setting the bench to incline puts more pressure on the long head of your musculus biceps brachii because you’re now performing from a deficit. In other words, you’re ranging from point where you've got less leverage than normal. Note: as this exercise requires more effort, you'll got to lighten the load.


Start by lying together with your back against a bench that's set to a 45-degree incline.

Bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as on the brink of your shoulders as you'll .

Next, lower the load (slowly) back to your starting position, ensuring you completely straighten your arms.

4. Zottman Curl

Why: There aren’t many exercises that focus on the three major muscles that structure the biceps – the musculus biceps brachii , brachialis, and brachioradialis. By rotating from an underhand to an overhand grip halfway through the move, the zottman curl hits all areas of your bicep.


With your dumbbells hanging by your side, turn your hands so your finger front forward.

Without moving your upside, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells towards your shoulder.

Pause, then rotate the dumbbells so your palms face forward before slowly returning back to your first position.

5. Decline Dumbbell Curl


Lying down on your chest will help isolate your biceps as you've got no weight running through your legs and core muscles. Change up your grip to assist target different parts of your bicep.


Lie chest down against a bench that’s set to a 45-angel incline. 

Bend your elbows – don’t rotate your upper arms – and curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders.

now lower back to the beginning position.

Hit All Angles: The Road to Bigger Biceps

One of the most reasons people's biceps don't grow as big as they might like them to, is that they fail to recognise that the bicep is really weakened into 3 phase the musculus biceps brachii – the part that creates up the most bump on the arm; the brachialis – the muscle that really sits under the bicep; and therefore the brachioradialis – the muscle than runs along the forearm. Most guys tend to only specialise in the brachii. But if you would like thicker, fuller looking arms, you would like to figure all areas of the bicep.

6. Barbell Bent-over Row

consistent with research, your muscles, specifically your biceps are most active once they are pulling. because the row requires many muscles to perform, you have to be ready to use a way heavier weight than you'd curling while still maintaining propriety and performance .


With slightly flexed knees, hinge over from the hips.
Maintain a neutral spine together with your hands shoulder-width apart.
Think about pulling your elbows behind you and hold for one second before controlling the load backtrack .
Ensure the line of the pull is into the belly button not into the sternum.

7. Chin-up: 


Not the simplest move to master but definitely one among the foremost effective. roll in the hay properly, and, along side your arms, your shoulders and back will get a significant workout, too.


Grab the bar together with your palms facing
towards you and an edge that's narrows than shoulder width.

Pull yourself up until your head is above the bar.
Slowly lower back to the beginning position.

8. Regular EZ Bar Curl :

Why: The bar allows you to load more weight than you'd with a curl while still maintaining propriety and without putting an excessive amount of pressure through your elbows and forearms.


Hold the EZ bar ahead of your thighs with an underhand, shoulder-width grip.

As you inhale , curl the bar until your hands are at your shoulders.

Squeeze your bicep then lower in check .

9. Underhand Seated Row :


When sitting and rowing, your biceps are within

the direct line of the pull, so they work harder

during each repetition. Roll up the hay correctly

and watch your biceps and back grow.


Bend your knees and hold the bar with a grip 
under your hand, at shoulder height.

Bend slightly, keeping your back straight, then use your back toward the muscle to drive the bar toward your belly button.

Return the bar to the starting position.

10. Reverse Curl Straight Bar:

Why:   Often neglected because it works the brachialis, an invisible muscle lower down your
upper arm — but one essential for bigger biceps. Train it well and therefore the brachialis pushes the height of your bicep muscle up higher, making for a more impressive flex and larger looking arms.

Stand and grip a barbell at shoulder width with an overhand grip.
Flex the elbows and rotate the barbell upwards, only using your forearms, until your palms face out and therefore the barbell is in line together with your shoulders.
Return it backtrack slowly and repeat.

-:How to Get More from Your Bicep Exercises:-

Follow these top tips to make sure you're maximizing every rep and set. After all, if you are going to figure your biceps, you would possibly as do them properly.

Get attractive Biceps Rule 1: Warm Up

It sounds boring, but patience may be a virtue, and besides, it’s bloody important. A warmed muscle may be a more pliable one. In other words, it’ll work better. the rise in temperature will help reduce the danger of rips and tears and deliver more red blood cells – and thus oxygen and nutrients – to the muscle while it's working.

You’ll be ready to lift more, too. Research published within the Journal of Applied Physiology found that intense stretching after working a muscle group has the potential to extend its mass by 318 per cent in 28 days. That's that, then.

Get attractive Biceps Rule 2: Replace Your Workouts

Remember, every six workouts (give or take) your body has fully adapted and won’t get an equivalent benefits. Quite simply, sitting there curling away hebdomadally won’t be doing much. Variety truly is that the spice of life.

Get attractive Biceps Rule 3: guidelines about Breathing

Think holding your breath during your big lift is helping? re-evaluate . In fact, not exhalation can cause your vital sign to spike and cause you to dizzy. Structured, rhythmic-like breathing will assist you concentrate, calm you down and keep your tempo more controlled. An oxygenated body also will reduce the danger of passing out and help deliver that sweet, sweet air to your muscles, allowing them to 'breathe' and work harder.

But there’s more to breathing correctly than a couple of gasps of air. Engaging your diaphragm, a process referred to as ‘bracing’ by power lifters, is vital to explosive performances. Bracing: Imagine you’re close to get gut-punched. Push your stomach into the belt as you inhale , but also obtrude to the edges and back. this is often how you would like to brace when lifting. This level of structured breathing might not be necessary for each bicep exercise – whereas for each compound move it’s a requirement – but keep this is often mind when understanding .

Bulk Up Your Biceps

-Keeping your arms stationary, exhale as you curl the weights up to shoulder level while contracting your biceps.

Scrap low reps and shock your biceps and triceps into max growth with this 100-CURL CHALLENGE designed by PT Andrew Tracey. to start out pick a pair of dumbbells you'll curl for 20 reps at a moderate difficulty. Your aim is to finish 100 biceps curls. whenever you would like to rest, drop the dumbbells and perform 15 close-grip press-ups. So, really, there’s no rest. Mind you, we never said it might be easy.

(I) Curling Iron

Hold two dumbbells by your sides, palms facing in. Curl both weights up towards your shoulders, rotating them as you lift, 
getting to get your middle fingers as on the brink of your shoulders as you'll without letting your elbows move forwards. Squeeze your biceps hard at the highest , before slowly lowering and flexing your triceps hard at rock bottom.

(II) Press Your hands

When your biceps need an opportunity , drop to the ground and assume the highest of a press-up position. to modify the stress to your triceps, bring your fingers and thumbs together to the touch , 

so your hands form a diamond shape directly below your lower chest. Lower your body to the ground , keeping your elbows tucked in. When your chest hits your hands, explode copy .

(III) Pace ownself

Don’t go hard with the curls too fast. “You may slot in more reps initially , but fatigue will catch up with you,” says professional Trainer. “Once the reps drop, the press-ups will hop on. But go too slow and therefore the press-ups will wipe you out.”

 Instead, maintain a gentle pace and rest only you'll not control the lowering of your curls. Good luck getting your arms back in your shirt.